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The Road To Nowhere...

   The proposed Juneau Road would consist of 51 miles of new road from Echo Cove (approximately 40 miles north of Juneau) to the Katzehin River via the east side of Lynn Canal, a new ferry terminal at the river 90 miles from Juneau rather than the existing terminal 13 miles from Juneau, and new shuttle ferries to Haines (pop. 1,474) and Skagway (pop. 845).

   According to an independent estimate undertaken by the state, the project costs will exceed a half-billion dollars not including cost increases that are likely when the terrain has been fully surveyed. The State of Alaska has spent $25 million to date on the project. In 2009 a federal judge ruled that the existing Environmental Impact Statement was inadequate because it did not analyze enhanced ferry service, and thus must be revised which calls all issued permits into question.

   Due to the lack of federal and state funds, it is unlikely that this project will ever be completed. Nonetheless, Governor Parnell is requesting another $507 million over the next six years and has announced his intention to begin construction this summer.

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