"...one if by land,
two if by..."
Earth, Air, & Water
Click to download the report on air pollution in Southeast Alaska parks and the effects on lichen communities.
The world’s largest cruise ship company has agreed to use air pollution control equipment to clean exhaust from the giant diesel engines that power its vessels.Carnival Corp. will install scrubbers to cut sulfur oxide emissions and filters to capture soot from 32 cruise ships over the next three years under a tentative agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Coast Guard, the EPA and Carnival announced Thursday.
On July 19th, 2013, in a letter to the Alaska Department of Transportation and PublicFacilities(ADOT&PF) the Municipality of Skagway opposed the “use of herbicides and pesticides as a maintenance tool for vegetation control measures” on lands owned or leased by ADOT&PF within the Skagway Borough.
The Taiya Inlet Watershed Council is a community partnership working to protect and improve the health of the watershed through education, communication, research and restoration.
Over the course of the past fourteen years, three Skagway residents developed the uncommon degenerative motor neuron disease known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig's disease. These illnesses generated concern because having three cases of ALS in a community the size of Skagway over a fourteen year timespan is unusual.
An Alaska Department Fish and Game study has found that mountain goat populations at the Kensington Gold Mine dropped 45 percent between 2006 and 2011.